Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Back in bama..

So i'm back in Alabama now,
I've probably been here about three weeks now I'm still trying to get settled in and what not but thus far everything is ok well as good as it can be. Aside from my grandmother bitching constantly....
But thank god for my best friend Ashley, without her I would have lost it by now.
She has been staying with me for awhile now..So yeah....

I haven't had time to find an apprenticeship but I'm hoping to start looking soon mabey...
I'm not really sure what to blog right now this was retty much just a small update.
Thanks for reading xoxoxoxox

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Well... I've made the decision to move back to Alabama,
Tennessee isn't the place for me.
Nothing has seemed to go right sense i've been here for these three dreadful years.
So I'm moveing me and my fur babies back home as-well as grandma.
 To be with the man I call my dad and the girl who I call my sis.
They are pretty much who I call family.....

Sense my mom has been in her own world for years. 
But that is another story I'd not like to NOT get into.

Anywhoo, I'm hoping to land me a tattoo apprenticeship again when I get there.
Sense the two i've had here I have gotten fucked over on. *headesk*
Hopefully things will start to fall into place when I get home.
Well I gotta get to packing. FAREWELL~

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tuckered out.

Vangogh, all tuckered out by my Bamboo Tablet and laptop. :3

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Were you can find my Characters~

SEXIEST Man Alive right now. 0_0

Aside from Alexander SkarsgÄrd
it's Peter Dinklage The man who plays Tyrion Lannister off Game Of thrones.
And if he dies in the next ep, I'm gonna stop watching the show. D:

Friday, June 1, 2012

Now your just somebody that I use to know.


It was my fault for having the dream in the first place....
Sometimes I think it's my fault we ended in the first place.
But it was my fault for messaging you, 
I should of just said no.
 but I couldn't I guess I'm weak in that aspect..
I just had to know if you were ok. 
The dream seemed so real like you were there and everything was fine again.

I didn't know you were even going to reply but you did and that mind fucked me.
I did it to myself I know..... I should have let well enough alone.
 It's good to know all is ok with you,
and your doing well got you a pretty girl and have moved on. 

Even though it's been 3 years, deep down I haven't moved on and I wish I could.
Or even better turn back time and figure out were it all fell apart. 
"Some people are meant to fall in love with each-other but not meant to be together."
I'm done now IDK, why I even wrote this I guess it was for my benefit to put my feelings somewhere I really didn't want to throw them into a art piece. 
Or maybe I just hope you will read it. Either way it doesn't matter.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Art Piece of Anthema

Just a quick something of Anthema haven't drawn her in forever.
Added a few design changes to her. : )


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