Thursday, July 26, 2012


Well... I've made the decision to move back to Alabama,
Tennessee isn't the place for me.
Nothing has seemed to go right sense i've been here for these three dreadful years.
So I'm moveing me and my fur babies back home as-well as grandma.
 To be with the man I call my dad and the girl who I call my sis.
They are pretty much who I call family.....

Sense my mom has been in her own world for years. 
But that is another story I'd not like to NOT get into.

Anywhoo, I'm hoping to land me a tattoo apprenticeship again when I get there.
Sense the two i've had here I have gotten fucked over on. *headesk*
Hopefully things will start to fall into place when I get home.
Well I gotta get to packing. FAREWELL~

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