Friday, June 1, 2012

Now your just somebody that I use to know.


It was my fault for having the dream in the first place....
Sometimes I think it's my fault we ended in the first place.
But it was my fault for messaging you, 
I should of just said no.
 but I couldn't I guess I'm weak in that aspect..
I just had to know if you were ok. 
The dream seemed so real like you were there and everything was fine again.

I didn't know you were even going to reply but you did and that mind fucked me.
I did it to myself I know..... I should have let well enough alone.
 It's good to know all is ok with you,
and your doing well got you a pretty girl and have moved on. 

Even though it's been 3 years, deep down I haven't moved on and I wish I could.
Or even better turn back time and figure out were it all fell apart. 
"Some people are meant to fall in love with each-other but not meant to be together."
I'm done now IDK, why I even wrote this I guess it was for my benefit to put my feelings somewhere I really didn't want to throw them into a art piece. 
Or maybe I just hope you will read it. Either way it doesn't matter.

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