Saturday, May 26, 2012

Art Piece of Anthema

Just a quick something of Anthema haven't drawn her in forever.
Added a few design changes to her. : )


The artwork contained in my blog is copyrighted © 2012 Andrea Jackson
All rights reserved.

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

I'm backk.~

So ALOT has transpired sense I was 17.
I'm now 19 and living in bum fucked Tennessee. *Insert sarcastic face here*
So much has happened that it's wayyyyy toooooo much to type.
So I'm just going to get down to the nitty gritty, and tell all the good things that have happened and leave out MOST the BS.  

1.My hair is now HOT PINK And I'm really loving it so I'll prolly keep it like this for awhile.

2.I'm now playing COH (City Of Heroes) It is really quiet a magnificent game. If you wanna add me send me a message over Facebook and I'll send you my (Global game name) so you can add me. My Facebook link is Click for my Facebook~ My main toons name is "Thaddius Ware" And i've grown quiet fond of him to the point of thinking about starting to RP with him. 

2.I have two AMAZING kittens now. Vangogh and Athena IDK what id do without them. I still have Ringo my Rat Terrier as-well I'll post pics of all them below. 

3. I'm in a good relationship now, he is my everything. We kind of level each other out.  Sense i've been here in TN i've been in a few BAD relationships but I believe I have finally found Mr.Right *Crosses Fingers* I'll write more about him later on. 

4. I am tattooing now, still trying to find a good apprenticeship after two of them fell through because none of the people could keep there word or were all around DICKS! *little rant* but all in all it's going great you can find my work here on my website aswell as my Facebook. Click for my website.~ 

5. I currently now have 12 tattoos and 3 piercings. Well that's kinda ALL for the updates I'm going to head back to playing COH now. I'm hoping I'll write blogs avidly now. It just seems that I'm BUSY ALL THE TIME NOW. *sad face* Anyway hope you enjoyed the read now remember to follow me lovies. <3

                                                                    Me and Ringo Star-